Why I love what I do

Why I love what I do...

I read a quote that resonated with me recently reading 4000 weeks by oliver burkeman (thank you for the recommendation Alicia Navarro!);

“you teach best what you most need to learn” (Richard Bach)

This struck a deep chord with me when I think of coaching and exploring my own mind, fears, hopes, insecurities and aspirations. In my 20s running Pollen8 as CEO I had never done any coaching, or therapy and to be totally honest, thought it was a bunch of BS. However for me its been absolutely transformational. I've learnt so much about my relationship with conflict, grief, time, what I find easy and why, what I avoid and why, where my ego gets in the way and why. At the time it helped me be a better co-founder and leader (I am sure Tom Humphreys can attest to that!) but it’s also helped me become a better person (I am sure many can also attest to this! haha Maya Knight and Martin Dudek).

For me a coaching practice, or therapy is like yoga or exercise. It helps you be healthier, helps your mood, helps your overall performance and it’s a practice you should keep for a lifetime. I love learning more about myself and continue to work with incredible coaches (shout out to Sarah for being my coach) and I believe very deeply everyone should have a coach once in a while. For leadership teams in startups it is what pushed me, us, to have the most difficult and important conversations. To grow and evolve as a team. I think it’s an essential part of leadership, and more broadly growth. And now I get to help others go on some of the journey I have :)

And that’s why I love what I do.

In the great words of James Routledge ... "just try it"


Reflection guide 2024/2025